I don’t know what reasons #1 and #2 are, but I know this one ranks way up there. As Frank Viola pointed out in Reimagining Church, there is one source that for sure impedes God’s purposes in Christ – human traditions. One tradition that has a stranglehold in most of what calls itself “church” is the notion that the buck stops with “the pastor.” This so-called “office” is, as was unfolded in chapter five of Pagan Christianity, the biggest “obstacle to every-member functioning.” As this all works … [Read more...]

FRAGILE, by Jon Zens
FRAGILE mark i always assumed you were strong impregnable thinking you stood like granite in the swirling storms then you told me on the phone In 1985 that you were crushed doubting hurting dismayed it took me a few days to really believe that you were fragile too but as time elapsed i began to see that my wife and daughters and son are fragile like vases that can slip off the shelf and shatter were all like flowers whose delicate petals can be torn off with … [Read more...]

PAY UP -- OR NO SACRAMENTS FOR YOU! Constantine is still alive and well on planet earth. Here's a blatant example of how carnal things get in religion when State & Church are joined together. It also illustrates graphically what religion is all about -- fear and control. The "laity" are told by those in power -- if you don't cough up your tithe, the vital religious rituals we provide for you (wherein salvation is found) will be withheld. Basically, it's "pay up or perish." These kind of … [Read more...]

In August 2011 I did a blog on “When Are We Going to Wake Up to Reality? The Nightmare of the Pastoral Institution.” Welcome to Part Two! First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, had 15,000 people come to its weekend services, and claimed 40,000 members. This growth had come primarily as a result of the pastor’s leadership and charisma over the past eleven years. But just like that, the pastor is dismissed, and now the deacons are crawling into bed tonight with sweat rolling down their … [Read more...]

The Good Works Epi: A Revealing of Christ in Eph. 2:10
The NIV translates Eph. 2:10 as, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” This translation can easily lead to misunderstanding. The text does not appear to say anything about works “to do.” Let’s look at Paul’s flow of thought. In verse 6, he points out that we have been co-resurrected with Christ and co-seated in the heavenlies with Him. These glorious realities result in God’s excelling riches of grace … [Read more...]

In 2011, I was substitute teaching in a high school English class. That day, the lesson plan for one class called for a section of Act 2 of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible to be read aloud. This is a fictionalized historical play that takes place in late 17th century Salem, Massachusetts, concerning the infamous Witch Trials. Tucked away in the dialogue are some very striking points concerning the outworkings of … [Read more...]

N.T. Wright Interview
I would like to encourage you to read the following interview with N.T. Wright: N.T. Wright Interview: “Simply Jesus” & Wright Responds to Critics Click this link to read the unedited interview: http://frankviola.org/2012/01/23/ntwright … [Read more...]

The Body With One Part?
In answer to the question, “Why don't women ever read or pray in Bethlehem's church services?” John Piper answered in part: But the real question, I think, they're asking is about the prayers of praise, the reading of the text, and the preaching, and none of those the women do at Bethlehem. And that is intentional. My reason is because—not that others have to see it this way—I view that moment and that place in … [Read more...]

“If you indeed continue in the faith having been founded and steadfast and not being moved away from the hope of the Gospel which you heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, of which I Paul became a servant” (Colossians 1:23). “In fact, Christ, Himself, spelled out the mission of the church in what we refer to as The Great Commission . . . . That commission from Christ is the sole reason why the church exists today.” – James Longstreet, http://www.christianpost.com Is … [Read more...]

WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE UP TO REALITY? The Nightmare of the Pastoral Institution
Mark Galli of Christianity Today has given us another article in a string of many that candidly lays out some serious problems resident in the traditional one-pastor system (August 8, 2011, http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2011/julyweb-only/mostriskyprofession.html?start=1). It is titled, “The Most Risky Profession: Why you need to pray desperately for your pastor.” Notice the near-fatal weaknesses Mark points out in the American … [Read more...]
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