In early May Dotty and I made a trip to Eastern Wisconsin. On May 3 we got together with some saints in Racine, and had a wonderful time together. I shared some thoughts from the opening verses of Colossians 4, "Jailed Because of the Mystery." I hope this session will draw your heart to Jesus, Who is the Mystery . . . . … [Read more...]

As most of you know, Eugene Peterson passed away on October 22, 2018. He was certainly a distinguished evangelical leader for many years, and positively influenced many people in the course of his life. He espoused the traditional view of "the pastor," yet candidly admitted to the many problems encamped around it. In my 2011 book, The Pastor Has No Clothes, I wrote the following thoughts about his book, The Pastor: A Memoir. ROMANCING THE PASTORATE: A Response to Eugene Peterson’s The Pastor: … [Read more...]

My 1965 Encounter with Segregation Dotty and I watched the film Hidden Figures recently. We really enjoyed it. I was especially touched by the scenes related to the fact that “Colored” women had to use a separate bathroom at Langley in Virginia, beginning in the 1940’s. I was born in Barstow, California, and then lived in Huntington Park, East L.A., Reseda and Canoga Park until age 20. I was accustomed to mingling with people across the ethnic spectrum, but while living in East … [Read more...]

My good friend Frank Viola has just released a powerful new book on the kingdom of God called Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom. Jonathan Cottrell recently interviewed Frank on the new book. If you order it now, you can get 3 exclusive bonuses. This is explained in the interview. I believe you will enjoy the interview. There have been many books written on the kingdom of God. How is your newest book, Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, … [Read more...]

Precious Friends -- Below are some new resources that I trust encourage you as we walk with Christ! Jon Podcast: On August 31, Chris Fales interviewed JZ concerning his journey to Christ as the New Covenant, 1972 - 2017. 2017 marks the 40th anniversary of Jon's ground-breaking article, "Is There A 'Covenant of Grace'?" In 1980, John Reisinger called this article "the first shot fired in 20 … [Read more...]

RENDER NOT TO CAESAR THE THINGS THAT ARE GOD’S by Alan Allison, Spokane WA [We have a guest author on this occasion. His article, I believe, is very important as it illustrates how the government’s view of “the church” is shaped by how it sees “church” function. It raises questions that we would do well to reflect upon. No doubt, some tax laws have been changed since this article was written, but the basic points still stand. “Render Not” was originally published in Searching Together, … [Read more...]

“HOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD PASTOR” Making a Mountain Out of a Myth
“HOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD PASTOR” Making a Mountain Out of a Myth Jon Zens Assumptions are the devil’s details. All of us make pretty far-reaching decisions based on assumptions. If our assumptions turn out to be mistaken, the results can be devastating. For example, years ago when asbestos was used on a large scale, it was considered to be a helpful and valuable product. Of course, at the outset there was no history of its effects on humans. It came to be assumed that it was … [Read more...]

Three New Book Reviews
The Sea Is Wide: A Memoir of Caregiving by Rundy Purdy Wild Jot Press, 2015 347 pages Countless families have been impacted by the diseases of Dementia and Alzheimer's. My mother had dementia in her old age, and my sister spent a chunk of her life caring for her. My wife Dotty worked in Activities in a nursing home for seventeen years, and witnessed the debilitating effects of these afflictions on the residents. I met Rundy Purdy several years ago at our Searching … [Read more...]

Four Important Books
Here are four books that I believe you will find encouraging as you walk with Jesus in these evil days. —JZ How 'New' Is the New Covenant? by Stephen Crosby FOREWORD for How ‘New’ Is the New Covenant? It is safe to say that the root of most errors in believers’ minds is a failure to appreciate the reality and finality of Christ in the New Covenant. Too many are trying to function with a mixture of law and grace, letter and Spirit and type/shadow versus … [Read more...]

"PREACHER IN THE NIGHT" 1996 Many of you during long trips by car have turned on the radio and heard religious speakers drone on about their peculiar hobby-horses. Some of the post-midnight programs can get pretty eerie. Ray (John Getz) in the Cohen brothers debut film, Blood Simple, in a panic to get rid of a mostly dead body in the back seat of his car, turned on the radio and got a late-night preacher talking about the Jupiter Effect and it’s connection to the end of the world. In … [Read more...]
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